
Stefan Thiel – Homosexualität_en

Exhibition participation in Homosexualität_en
Schwules Museum Berlin and Historisches Museum Berlin
June 26 – December 1, 2015; Opening: June 25 at 4 pm (Historisches Museum) and 6:30 pm (Schwules Museum)

Marc von der Hocht

Marc von der Hocht among other Meisterschüler of the Universität der Künste zu Berlin has been nominated for the art award Kunst & Konstrukt by the Leinemann Foundation for Education and Art in collaboration with the Friends of the Universität der Künste zu Berlin/ Karl Hofer Gesellschaft. The announcement of the laureate and award ceremony as well as the opening of the exhibition will take place on June 23 at 7 pm at WESTRAUM, Nestorstr. 23, 10739 Berlin.

Takayuki Daikoku – Feature on INFOradio

A feature by Barbara Wiegand on Takayuki Daikoku’s Land Art Schlosspark Wagenitz will be aired several times on Pentacost (Monday) on INFOradio.

Thomas Prochnow – Ode to my System

Solo exhibition at Hinten Gallery  May 23 –  June 21. 
Opening:  Saturday, May 23 at 7 pm
Augustusburger Str. 102, 09126 Chemnitz