
Special hours on Sunday, 4th Advent

Our gallery is open on Sunday, 4th Advent, December 20, from 2 – 6 pm.
Tuesday, December 22, the gallery  is open from 1 – 7 pm. We are closing the gallery for our winter break from Wednesday, December 23, and reopen on Tuesday, January 5, 2016.

Reading Christoph Klimke

Wednesday, December 15, 2015, 8 pm.
Pier Paolo Pasolini – den Skandal ins Auge sehen. Ein biografischer Essay.
Christoph Klimke is introducing his newest work (in German).

This reading is a permiere and simultaneously dedicated to Ronald Marx (died in 2014), who has founded in these rooms 15 years ago  GTA (German Theater Abroad) together with Jarreth Merz and Christian Kahrmann. 

Ursula Sax – review in DIE ZEIT

Today, on November 12, 2015, a small review by Lisa Zeitz has been published with a photograph from Derwisch on occasion of the exhibition Ursula Sax – Modell & Wirklichkeit: DIE ZEIT, Feuilleton, section Traumstück/ Dream Piece, p. 66

Ursula Sax – Catalogue Launch

Catalogue Launch on Sunday, November 1, 3 – 5 pm at the gallery.
3.10 pm: Introduction by Mark Gisbourne, art critic and author
Ursula Sax – Modell & Wirklichkeit: Realisierte & nicht realisierte Projekte,
published by Semjon Contemporary with essays by Mark Gisbourne, Jan Maruhn und Semjon H. N. Semjon, German-English, 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-9816830-1-1