
Susanne Pomrehn

In Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten a comprehensive article by Heidi Jaeger was published yesterday on Susanne Pomrehn’s exhibition Himmel und Erde – Reloaded at Kunsthaus Potsdam. The exhibition will open on Sunday July 2 at 7 pm.

Renate Hampke

Being part of the women artist group Endmoräne/End Moraine, Renate Hampke is participating at the yearly exhibition project – every year at different location in the state of Brandenburg – this time in the exhibition ‘Weiße Schatten’ at the former paper mill Wolfswinkel in Eberswalde-Finow
Opening: Saturday, July 1st, 1 – 6 pm, Eberswalder Str. 27-31, 16227 Eberswalde-Finow
Until July 30
Dokumentation RBB

Susanne Pomrehn

Solo exhibition Himmel und Erde, an installatively spatial body at Kunsthaus Potsdam. The exhibition is organized and part of the thematic year Kulturland Brandenburg 2017.
Opening: Sunday, Juli 2, 5 pm; Introduction: Barbara Straka, art historian, Potsdam

Dirk Rathke & Marc von der Hocht

Chill out: The exhibitions of both artists are ending this Saturday, June 3rd. Due to the great interest we keep the gallery open on Saturday until 9 pm.