by Katja Kollowa
In the front: video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht(When mummy leaves early for work), 2012, size variable, concrete, 3 x VDT, synthetic resin, HD-player, 3-canal-video (11:40, 4:40, 7:14, loop, 4/3 format), background: Betonfleck (Resin Speck) TB 9024/A/1, 2012, 143 x 139 x 8 cm, concrete screed, sanded and polished; photo: William Minke
In the front: video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht(When mummy leaves early for work), 2012, size variable, concrete, 3 x VDT, synthetic resin, HD-player, 3-canal-video (11:40, 4:40, 7:14, loop, 4/3 format), background: Snezco I, 2005, 176 x 165 cm, oil on nettle; photo: William Minke
Snezco I, 2005, 176 x 165 cm, oil on nettle; photo: Katja Kollowa
Betonfleck (Resin Speck) TB 9024/A/1, 2012, 143 x 139 x 8 cm, concrete screed, sanded and polished; photo: William Minke
Betonfleck (Resin Speck) TB 9024/A/1, Detail
video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht (When mummy leaves early for work), detail, 2012, size variable, concrete, 3 x VDT, synthetic resin, HD-player, 3-canal-Video (11:40, 4:40, 7:14, loop, 4/3 format); photo: William Minke
Video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht (When mummy leaves early for work), detail; photo: William Minke
Video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht (When mummy leaves early for work), detail; photo: William Minke
Video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht (When mummy leaves early for work), detail; photo: William Minke
Video installation Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht (When mummy leaves early for work), detail; photo: William Minke