Schwarzwasser by Stefan Thiel
Exhibition view of Schwarzwasser with Stechlinsee 3/13; photo: Jürgen Baumann
Exhibition view of Schwarzwasser with Stechlinsee 3/13; photo: Jürgen Baumann
Stechlinsee 3/13, 2013, 161,3 x 242,4 cm (framed), cut-out, black coloured paper; photo: Stefan Thiel
Exhibition view of Schwarzwasser with Stechlinsee-Studie 2 (left side) followed by Stechlinsee-Studie 1,Stechlinsee-Studie 3 and Stechlinsee 2/13; photo: Jürgen Baumann
Exhibition view of Schwarzwasser with Stechlinsee-Studie 2 (left side) followed by Stechlinsee-Studie 1, Stechlinsee-Studie 3 and Stechlinsee 2/13; photo: Jürgen Baumann
Stechlinsee 2-2013, 2013, 75,2 x 133,2 cm (framed), cut-out, black coloured paper; photo: Stefan Thiel
Stechlinsee-Studie 1, 2013, 42,2 x 82,2 cm (framed), cut-out, black coloured paper; photo: Stefan Thiel
Stechlinsee-Studie 2 , 2013, 42,2 x 82,2 cm (framed), cut-out, black coloured paper; photo: Stefan Thiel
Stechlinsee-Studie 3 , 2013, 42,2 x 122,2 cm (gerahmt), Cut-out, schwarzes Tonpapier; Foto: Stefan Thiel
Stechlinsee-Studie 3 , 2013, 42,2 x 122,2 cm (framed), cut-out, black coloured paper; photo: Stefan Thiel
Schaulager: Schlachtensee 1/2013, 2013, 128, x 95,4 cm (framed), cut-out, black coloured paper; photo: Stefan Thiel