Takayuki Daikoku

Participation with works at the art fair Art in Park Hotel Tokyo with Marueido Japan. March 9 – 10

Thomas Prochnow

Participation in the exhibition BAUHAUS.LINES, an exhibition in four parts
Part I, Colors: Rot.Gelb.Blau vom 16.02.-07.04.2019
With works by Horst Bartnig (D), Max Bill (CH), Bob Bonies (NL), Andreas Christen (D), Winfried Gaul (D), Rupprecht Geiger (D), Hermann Glöckner (D), Bernd Hahn (D), Richard Paul Lohse (CH), Manfred Luther (D), Ida Maibach (CH), Peter Mell (D), Jo Niemeyer (D), Georg Karl Pfahler (D), Tom Prochnow (D), Gilles Porret (CH), Maria Schicker (D), Günther Selichar (A) u.a.
Opening: Friday February 15, 6 pm
Neue Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Häselburg, Burgstr. 12, 07548 Gera
Until April 7, 2019

Ursula Sax: Passion – Altar Covering

Opening: Friday March 8, 6 pm
with Matthias Flügge, art historian and principal of Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden and pastor Jasmin El‐Manhy; music: Kammerchor enchore, recital of Messe für Doppelchor by Frank Martin
Paul‐Gerhardt‐Kirche, Wisbyer Straße 7, 10439 Berlin
Opening hours during installation: Mon – Fri, 3 – 6 pm, and during church services.
The Altar Covering is curated by Sabine Herrmann, Klaus Killisch and Markus Rheinfurth. It is an activity by the protestant parish Prenzlauer Berg Nord.

Crowdfunding Campaign – Support by Media

Our crowdfunding campaign to fund the copies of the dance sculptures of Geometric Ballet (Homage to Oskar Schlemmer) by Ursula Sax gets support by some media: Berliner Zeitung (Kulturkalender from December 27 with pic, text by Ingeborg Ruthe); art – Das Kunstmagazin (facebook, since December 19); Kunstforum (News); Weltkunst (facebook, since December 22); Monopol-Magazin (instagram, since December 28). We appreciate the initiatves very much and are grateful for this! Video call (in German) by the artist from January 4, 2019.
Premiere: September 6, 2019 at Radialsystem (Berlin); opening piece of Bauhaus Festivals Dessau Bühne total/ Stage total at Sepetmber 11 at Bauhaus Museum Dessau; September 20 and 21 as the Dresden edition on the reconstructed Appia stage at Salzmann-Saal in Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Kunst.
Press release on our crowdfunding campaign



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