paper psoitions berlin

Semjon Contemporary will show works at paper positions berlin by Ute Essig and Henrik U. Müller.
Both artists share a studio and a dialogue situation of their works will be on focus.
April 25 – 28, Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz (Berlin-Mitte)

Katja Flint – UNLOCK ART by ZEITmagazin (Art Cologne)

The new format UNLOCK ART by ZEITmagazin will take place the very first time. Venue will be the Art Cologne. Invited are representatives of the art world and market like Hans Ulrich Obrist, Yilmaz Dziewior, Thomas Ruff, Johann König, Daniel Hug amongst others. Katja Flint will be in a conversation with Christoph Amend, chief editor of ZEITmagazin and publisher of Weltkunst. April 11, 4 pm.

Katja Flint

The solo exhibition Eins (One) at Kunsthalle Rostock ended last Sunday February 24. The exhibition has drawn more visitors than expected. More than 5.5000 came to see her photographs. This exhibition will be set up in a different form with less works at Semjon Contemporary and will be on view from March 30 until May 4. Her new works were covered by some photo magazines such as FOTOHITS, PHOTOGRAPHIE, Fotomagazin and PHOTO PRESSE.

Colin Ardley + Klaus Steinmann

On occasion of both solo exhibitions – Spatial Strategies by Colin Ardley and Tafelbild – Bildtafel by Klaus Steinmann – an artist talk (in German) will take place on Tuesday Febrary 26 at 7.30 pm. Please R.S.V.P.



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