Susanne Knaack
signum dei, installation at Zia Maria in Wins Quarter in Prenzlberg, Zia Maria,
Winsstraße 21, 10405; opening: Saturday, December 10, starting 7 pm; duration: to be announced
Ursula Sax
Participation in Virus Form – Geometrisches aus Dresden von 1920 – 2016. The exhibition curated by Susanne Altmann displays how influential the artists, that lived and worked in Dresden, are for the field of geometrical abstraction, that enjoyed a great deal of newfound interest in the last years. After a first stop in Berlin the exhibition will be exhibited at the headquarters of Gebrüder Lehmann in Dresden.
11/29 – 12/21/2016
Bettina Weiß
Participation in Exchange Rates: Dissolution, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, New York, an exhibition in collaboration with 6 Berlin-based female artists. 10/20 – 10/23/2016