Summer Retreat / Window Shopping

Semjon Contemporary has launched a summer exhibition which can be viewed through the storefront windows or to the core hours. Until August 24
Wed – Fri, August 16 – 18, 2 – 7 pm
Sat, August 19, 2 – 5 pm
Tue – Thur, August 22 – 24, 2 – 7 pm

Renate Hampke

Lange Nacht der Museen – artist talk with Jan Maruhn, art historian and head of the Bildhauerwerkstatt Berlin (Sculptor’s Shop Berlin) on occasion of her special exhibition Gip’s Luft? Renate Hampke – Schlauchobjekte at Abguss-Sammlung antiker Plastik
Saturday, August 19, 9.30 pm
Guided tour through the exhibition: 7 pm
Schloßstraße 69b, 14059 Berlin

Marc von der Hocht

Mash Up Mistakes, his first solo exhibition only on his collage works, will be shown at Till Richter Museum at Schloss Buggenhagen.
Opening: Saturday, August 19, from 2 – 6 pm

Ursula Sax

KÖRPERRAUMZEIT / BODYSPACETIME is the title of her solo exhibition at weltecho.Galerie OSCAR in Chemnitz. The opening will take place on Saturday, July 15 at 8 pm with an introduction by Martin Rupprecht. Ursula Sax will show her impressive hanging soft sculpture Hagia Sophia from 1989 as well as her Cosmometrien – hanging wall steel sculptures – as well as her drawings and ink paperworks from the early 90ties. Until August 18.
Annaberger Str. 24, 09111 Chemnitz



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