Gerda Schütte

Due to a water damage following simultaneous exhibition is closed: Souvenirs d’Afrique – Fotografien und Fotogramme von Gerda Schütte at Galerie Tempelhof Museum. We will inform you on this site regarding the reopening of the exhibition.

Ursula Sax

Participation in Einzigartig! Unikate und Seltenheiten, Residenzschloss, Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden
Until September 23, 2017

Marc von der Hocht

Participation in Standard international – Post spatial devices #2, curated by Rüdiger Lange
at Geisberg Berlin, Geisbergstraße 6 – 9, 10777 Berlin. Until November 14, 2017

Susanne Pomrehn

Lecture by Susanne Pomrehn on occasion of her exhibition Himmel und Erde – Reloaded at Kunsthaus Potsdam on her different work series and projects.
Introduction: Semjon H. N. Semjon
Sunday, August 27, 5 pm. The lecture is also part of the finissage of her exhibition.
Ulanenweg 9, entrance via Jägerallee, 14469 Potsdam
Article on her exhibition in MAZ from August 2nd (in German)



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