Thomas Prochnow @ artflash

The second time artflash has invited Thomas Prochnow to realize an edition in collaboration with the gallery. The edition is almost sold out! Occasion is the 30th anniversary of our Berlin Tresor Clubs. Dimitri Hegemann, the owner, has comissioned the artist in 2015 through an introduction by the gallery to intervene with his geometric tags in the space of his club as well as in others of the maginifient industrial cathedral of the former heating power station in Berlin-Mitte. Artistic results is also his photographic work. The original in the club can’t be seen right now due to the Covid 19 situation. Dimitri, happy anniversary! You are an important part of our cultural heritage Berlin club scene! Thank you.
These works resulted in Thomas Prochnow’s solo show kraftWORK in 2015 at Semjon Contemporary. Through his honarable purchase of a unique large format print he supported us to realize the exhibition with large size photographies. This print (the same motif of the small format special edition by artflash) is part of Dimitri’s office at the Kraftwerk.



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